Table Of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Installation
2.1 Minimum System Requirements
2.2 Recommended Test System Requirements
2.3 Removing the Older Version of HATS HA
2.4 Installing HATS HA on a Computer System with a CD-ROM Drive
2.5 Installing HA on a Computer System with a Floppy Disk Drive
2.6 Installing HATS HA on a Computer System with a Tape Drive
2.7 Installing HATS HA on a Computer System from the Server
Chapter 3 Configuration
3.1 Checking the Status of the Configeration File
3.2 Setting up the Configeration File
  1. Previewing the whole configuration file:
  2. Configuring License Definition:
  3. Configuring Node Definition:
  4. Configuring Job Definiton:
  5. Configuring Misc. Definition:
  6. Saving HATS HA Configuration File:
3.3 Verifying and Testing HATS HA Configeration File
3.4 Donloading HA on to other Machines
Chapter 4 Examples of Configuration for Servicing NFS jobs
4.1 Examplary Configeration for Servicing One NFS job
  1. Drawing of Network Connection for one NFS job:
  2. Basic Information about the examplary network machines:
  3. Examplary configuration for one NFS job:
4.2 Examplary Configeration for Servicing Two NFS jobs
  1. Drawing of network connection for two NFS jobs:
  2. Basic Information about the examplary network machines:
Chapter 5 Examples of Configuration for sevicing RDBMS jobs
5.1 Examplary Configuration for Servicing One RDBMS job
  1. Drawing of Network connection for one RDBMS job:
  2. Basic Information about the examplary network machines:
  3. Examplary configuration for one RDBMS Sybase job:
  4. Modify executible scripts for dependent appplications:
5.2 Examplary Configuration for Servicing Two RDBMS jobs
  1. Drawing of Network connection for two RDBMS jobs:
  2. Basic information about the examplary network machines:
  3. Examplary configuration for two RDBMS jobs(e.g., Sybase and Oracle):
Chapter 6 HATS HA Special Features
6.1 GUI Display of the HATS HA Main Menu
6.2 Nongraphic Display Of HATS HA Main Menu
6.3 HATS HA Problem-Alerting System
6.4 HATS HA History Log
6.5 HATS HA Multicompatibilities
6.6 HATS HA Multiple Standby Feature
Chapter 7 Definition of API Agents in HATS HA
7.1 Function Calls to Automatically Access HATS HA Main Menu
7.2 API Agents to Detect Application Software Malfunctions